Over Eighteen (18) Years Old or The Lawful Age in The Respective Jurisdiction
It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 (or the lawful age in the respective jurisdiction) to open an account or to gamble on WİNBİR. WİNBİR takes its age-verification responsibilities very seriously. We carry out age-verification checks on all customers who use payment mechanisms which are available to under 18s and additionally perform random age-verification checks on customers using other forms of funding mechanisms. We may ask for information to verify your age and could restrict or suspend your account until your age is confirmed.
Please note that anyone under the age of 18 years (or under the lawful age in the respective jurisdiction) old found to be using this site will have any winnings forfeited and may also be reported to the police.
WİNBİR is committed to endorsing responsible wagering as well as promoting the awareness of problem gambling and improving prevention, intervention and treatment. WİNBİR's Responsible Gambling Policy sets out its commitment to minimizing the negative effects of problem gambling and to promoting responsible gambling practices. We believe it is our responsibility to you, our customers, to ensure that you enjoy your wagering experience on our site, while remaining fully aware of the social and financial harms associated with problem gambling. In order to assist our customers in gambling responsibly, we ensure that all our staff receive responsible gambling awareness training and we have provided the following information and features on our site.
Session Limits*
Deposit Limits*
Loss Limits*
Wagering Limits*
Links to gambling helplines and other help organizations
Self-help and awareness information
Information and tools to protect underage access
*Limits may be changed at any time. When increasing the limit or removing the limit completely, a waiting period of 7 days will apply.
Problem gambling has a negative effect on the life of the gambler or the people close to them, like parents, friends, brothers and sisters, boyfriends or girlfriends, and others in their lives. It might be that someone’s gambling is causing them to be unhappy, have less energy, fall behind at school, underperform at work, stress about money, or have arguments with family members and friends.
If someone’s gambling is causing any of these effects, it is considered to be problem gambling and WİNBİR is striving to prevent such gambling patterns within its users and/or customers by creating awareness of the problem in its website as it believes the Services of the site should only be used in recreational and no other sense.
Problem gambling can negatively affect many aspects of your life:
Your relationships with friends and family;
Your health;
Your work;
Your education;
The amount of time you have available to do other things.
If you recognise that gambling is affecting any of these areas of your life, please do not hesitate to contact any of these organizations for help: